Ellenton Cove Development (532-780 units) Rezone & GDP Approved Feb. 2nd, 2022

Commercial construction Residential construction
Ellenton Cove Rezone & GDP

An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, amending the Official Zoning Atlas (Ordinance 15-17, as amended, the Manatee County Land Development Code), relating to zoning within the unincorporated area; providing for a rezone of approximately 80.82 acres generally located at the southwest corner of I-75 and Mendoza Road (37th Street East), and commonly known as 5005 37th Street East from A-1 (Agricultural Suburban) to the PDMU (Planned Development Mixed Use) zoning district; approving a General Development Plan with 2 alternative development options: Option A for a maximum of 532 multi-family units, 78 single-family detached units, and 30,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses, and Option B for a maximum of 780 residential units and 30,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses utilizing a Mixed Use Density bonus; approving a Schedule of Permitted and Prohibited Uses as voluntarily proffered by the Applicant and attached as Exhibit B; subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; setting forth findings; providing a legal description; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.

  • CASE NUMBER: PDMU-18-05(Z)(G) / PLN2106-0091
  • PROJECT NAME: Ellenton Cove
  • APPLICANT(S) / AGENT: North River Partnership, LLC / Carol Clarke with Medallion Homes
  • EXISTING ZONING: A-1 (Agricultural Suburban)
  • PROPOSED ZONING: PDMU (Planned Development Mixed Use)
  • PROPOSED USES: Residential (Single-Family Detached, Single-Family Semi-Detached, Single-Family Attached, & Multi-Family) & Neighborhood Commercial
  • REQUEST: Rezoning from A-1 (Agricultural Suburban) to PDMU (Planned Development – Mixed Use) with General Development Plan approval for 2 alternative development options permitting:
    • Option A: 532 Multi-Family Units, 78 Single-Family Detached Units, and
    • 30,000 Square Feet Commercial Uses.
    • Gross Density is at 7.84 DU/AC.
    • ALF: 1.0 FAR
    • Option B: 780 Residential Units with Density Bonus, and
    • 30,000 Square Feet Commercial Uses.
    • Gross Density is at 10.02 DU/AC.
    • ALF: 1.0 FAR
    • Land Development Code Section 401.5.B.4: To eliminate the requirement to have the main entrance of the building facing the street.
    • Land Development Code Section 402.7.D.7: To reduce the required front yard setback from 25 feet to 23 feet for single-family detached units with front loaded garages.
    • Land Development Code Section 1005.3: To reduce the required number of parking spaces for multiple family dwellings from 2 spaces per dwelling unit to 1.8 spaces per dwelling unit including guest parking.
  • CASE PLANNER: Charles Andrews, AICP, CNU-A, Senior Planner

Unanimously approved February 3rd, 2022 at Manatee County Board of County Commissioners Land Use Meeting as seen in the YouTube video below…

Skip to 3:02:49 for approval

Where: 5005 37th St E, Palmetto, FL 34221

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